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Pointless double Pre-M after Tenacity

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 6:19 pm
by mobiledynamics
If I do a broadcast spray on tenacity on a small area I overseed, give it take 3-4 weeks later, would it be pointless/useless to lay down something like Prodiamine after Tenacity's life window. Depending on how much growth I see out of the overseed, I might just do a second app of Tenacity

Re: Pointless double Pre-M after Tenacity

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 7:10 pm
by andy10917
I don't think so.

In my opinion, the pre-emergent qualities are no match against Prodiamine or Dimension. It's more like a pretty good side-effect that it works at seeding time, but you'll have to repeat it every 4-5 weeks, instead of the months that Prodiamine/Dimension coverage lasts. Also, remember that the annual application for an area is a total of 16 oz/acre. I'm not sure that the more-expensive, shorter-acting, less-effective product (as a Pre-M) holds much water.

PS: this is not an indictment of Tenacity AT ALL, as a POST-emergent herbicide -- it works great.

Re: Pointless double Pre-M after Tenacity

Posted: February 10th, 2020, 8:03 pm
by mobiledynamics
yeah, I know. I will have to dig up the labels on it and see rehash what it says on -new growth-. I guess it will also depend if my -dormant seeding- goes potentially give me a 10-14 day faster germ. rate into the spring season I suppose.

Re: Pointless double Pre-M after Tenacity

Posted: February 11th, 2020, 11:43 pm
by Green
If you have low crabgrass pressure, Tenacity can do great during its 4-6 week window. But it's up to you to figure out the best way to follow that first app. Personally, I usually end up doing 2 or even 3 Tenacity apps, stretched out as far as possible, and then followed by a low rate of a normal pre-M for the rest of the period if I'm concerned about crabgrass. But sometimes I feel comfortable going without one.

Re: Pointless double Pre-M after Tenacity

Posted: February 14th, 2020, 7:59 am
by KBGkicksazz
Have gone through this whole thing with multi seedings and a spring reno the PreM is a must.

Tenacity is great at beating back “some” of the weeds from germinating and also allows you to beat back stuff that does pop up especially more mature crabgrass that Quinclorac might not zap.

To me, Tenacity is the stop gap until you get into the PreM window.